The pleasure’s ours! Meet Christopher Trout, CoFounder of The Grass Agency
Oh, hello there! Welcome to our home. This week at The Grass Agency we’re launching a newsletter chronicling our journey into the wild world of weed. It’s a pretty personal adventure, so we thought we’d introduce ourselves. In the interest of getting acquainted we put together this very revealing Q&A. Today we say “Yo! How’s it going?” to Christopher Trout, Creative and Editorial Director and CoFounder of The Grass Agency.
______, meet Christopher! Christopher, meet ______!
Q: Who are you?
A: Christopher Trout, Creative and Editorial Director of the Grass Agency, former EIC of, technosexual guinea pig, and celebrity to the stars.
Q: What do you do?
A: I’m a storyteller first and foremost. I’m the one who writes the stuff you see on The Grass Guide but I also have a hand in creating and photographing the beautiful things you see on this page. Outside of that, I help brands find their voice and tell their stories.
Q: But what do you really do?
A: I’m basically the Diane Sawyer of sex robots.
Q: Where are you from?
A: I usually tell people I’m from El Paso, but I grew up all over West Texas and New Mexico.
Q: What did you want to be when you grew up?
A: A cop on a horse.
Q: How did that work out for you?
A: Ummm. My sex robot hands-on video has 20 million views on YouTube?
Q: Any hobbies?
A: Making cocktails, cooking, and turning the fuck up with friends.
Q: Do you remember the first time you smoked weed?
A: Yeah. I smoked a joint in my friend’s backyard when I was 13. I was pretty sure I was going to die.
Q: Who is your hero?
A: Mariah Carey. Is there any other?
Q: How would you describe your style?
A: Sharon Stone in Casino
Q: How do you unwind?
A: A joint, a glass of champagne, a hot bath, and Mariah on the radio.
Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?
A: Right now I’m a big fan of product and food photography from the 1970s and 80s, but inspiration can come from anywhere. Fashion, art, music, it’s all fair game. I do have a tendency to look toward the margins of sophisticated society though, specifically queer film and photography.
Q: Who is your favorite artist (any medium)?
A: That’s tough, but I’m a big fan of John Waters, Nan Goldin, James Bidgood, Bob Mizer, and Kenneth Anger. There are a ton of more recent artists who I absolutely adore, but these are my masters. I just love art that makes me squirm.
Q: What are you listening to?
A: Mariah, duh.
But also @Rosalia.vt, @EmpressOf, and @Instagramber.
Q: What was the last thing you read?
A: A Jezebel article about the resurgence of gay sex parties.
Q: Any animals?
A: Thought you’d never ask.
Boom Boom is a 10 year-old American Bulldog
Lola is a 12 year-old Red Nose Pitbull
Q: Single, married or divorced?
A: Who’s writing these things? I have a boyfriend of three years. He’s a babe.
Q: THC or CBD?
A: THC, of course!
Q: Indica or Sativa?
A: Sativa by day, Indica by night.
Q: What are you smoking right now?
A: Good flower hybrid
Q: What are you smoking it out of?
A: Pink donut pipe by @johnquickceramics