A mandir for Jasbir: Our altar to Hare Rama Hare Krishna's Bollywood baddie
mandir | मंदिर | \ ˈmənˌdir \ | noun
temple, altar, shrine
We’re closing out our week of Janice worship with an altar to our druggy deity. The ravishing runaway from Montreal was more than just another hippy dropout; she was a bad girl with a heart of gold and lungs that could handle hash like a champ.
Every element in our mandir pays homage to our favorite Bollywood baddie. The chillum, or horn-like pipe Janice puffs on through closed fists, is one of the oldest tools for smoking cannabis in the world. People all over the globe have been smoking dope out of them for centuries, either for medicinal, recreational, or spiritual purposes. In India, sadhus and seekers smoked charas (a combination of hash and tobacco) out of chillums to go deeper into meditation and unravel the mysteries of the universe.
Next to the chillum sits an amethyst, a protective stone that purifies energy fields of negativity and attachments. Like the amethyst, Ganesh, seen here busting a move atop a pagoda grinder, is the remover of obstacles and blesses life with spiritual and material prosperity. And because we just can’t get enough chill, we added some Lakshmi Dhoop incense to clear the air of stress and anxiety.
The vase, a limited edition tiki mug from San Francisco’s Bon Voyage, is covered in wild animals that represent Janice’s jungli spirit and feral women everywhere, and stuffed with trim grown by a badass woman in the East Bay. A few of the leaves are painted to match the gerbera daisies that represent joyfulness, beauty, and positivity -- total Janice vibes. The finishing touches reflect Janice’s iconic style. A cannabis nath (nose ring) from Vida Kush, hangs on a pair of giant pink stunner shades from Santee Alley, a bindi stuck to the lenses for safe keeping.
Janice may have left this world too soon, but she lives on in every puff off a chillum, every pair of rose-colored glasses, reminding us to laugh, dance, and get high AF because life is too short to be a drag.
RIP 💚 Janice, FKA Jasbir.