Guess the edible


Traveling cross-country with weed used to be a creative undertaking. We’d carve out bars of soap, stick nugs in peanut butter jars, or cram the stuff straight up our butts. It’s still illegal to travel across state lines with cannabis, but being discreet doesn’t have to be so hard. Today, there are countless new, CBD- and THC-packed edibles, tinctures, and vapes that bear a striking resemblance to unmedicated mainstays of consumer culture. 

Take Kiva’s Terra Bite infused espresso beans. These little, chocolate covered balls are our go-to for flying the friendly skies. Not only does the scent of coffee overpower any skunky notes, but the shape is near identical to an iconic movie theater staple. We’re not suggesting you try to trick the TSA, but there are definitely worse ways to fly.

Pro Tip: Flying high can be an uplifting experience, but it can also trigger extreme anxiety. If you’ve recently taken hallucinogens in an attempt at premarital soul searching and downed two glasses of champagne on an empty stomach, you might want to wait until after landing to mess with the edibles. Or so we’ve been told.